Monday, August 25, 2008


If you couldn't tell the subject line is me- BAWLING! I've been a WRECK today! My baby child just went to school for the first time today. It's FULL DAY school! It's been over 7 years since I have been alone without any child home with me! I'm going a little nutso! No worries, here is what I've done:

I cleaned my outside garbage can with soap and the hose.
I washed the sheets on my bed.
I checked my email about 3 times.
I realized after the first time, that I was STARVING! It was 10:30 and I had forgotten breakfast.
I ate leftover peach cobbler I made last night. Too late for a real meal.
I watched the latest episode of Gilmore Girls while I ate yummy food.
I went to the Ped. office to give them info to get my girls' records from another office.
I sent my shade shirt back that was defective.
I did call the Shade people before I went on my 2 little errands.
I had a LOVEly Google chat with my GREAT friend Mich. (say MEESH)
Now I am typing this here.

Here is on the agenda for the rest of the afternoon:
Go eat a normal meal for lunch, although Peach cobbler is sounding very good right now...
GO to JoAnn Fabrics and buy materials to make 3 valances for my dining nook and kitchen windows.
Hopefully by the time I roll back from there I can go pick up my DARLING kiddos from SCHOOL!
Then we will have a pool party at my pool with friends to celebrate accomplishing the first day!
After that I may have to go to work. :(

Then I get to start again tomorrow! Oh but tomorrow I will have sewing to look forward to! I LOVE sewing! It should help keep me calm.


Emily said...

I can't believe she's going to school ALL DAY! That is a long time, but I know she'll love it. It must be so quiet at your house. If you need a dose of chaos you can come over to my house any time you want!

Gallant Family said...

Man, you really get stuff done!!! I always have about 15 things to do a day, but do I get those things done??? I think you know the answer. Have fun sewing. I have some sewing projects to do, but they are on hold for now. You'd better post pictures when you're done.

Paul and Jill said...

All I can say is lucky you! I wish my house was quiet all day with kids at school. But with a 3 year old and a 8 month old who loves to scream all day, it is the complete opposite. Please enjoy it for me!
Love, Jill

Anonymous said...

haha thats cool how many things that you can get done in a day! and don't be sad for should be happy that your working cuz your the one who wanted to get a job in the first place!!! haha. ok..and you should update your other blog too that is good that ms.Jo likes to swim really it is but wut i wanna see is 1st day of school of THE QUEEEN and ms jo...ok this is ggetting to long...i ...just ....tooo ....bored...ok