Monday, August 25, 2008


If you couldn't tell the subject line is me- BAWLING! I've been a WRECK today! My baby child just went to school for the first time today. It's FULL DAY school! It's been over 7 years since I have been alone without any child home with me! I'm going a little nutso! No worries, here is what I've done:

I cleaned my outside garbage can with soap and the hose.
I washed the sheets on my bed.
I checked my email about 3 times.
I realized after the first time, that I was STARVING! It was 10:30 and I had forgotten breakfast.
I ate leftover peach cobbler I made last night. Too late for a real meal.
I watched the latest episode of Gilmore Girls while I ate yummy food.
I went to the Ped. office to give them info to get my girls' records from another office.
I sent my shade shirt back that was defective.
I did call the Shade people before I went on my 2 little errands.
I had a LOVEly Google chat with my GREAT friend Mich. (say MEESH)
Now I am typing this here.

Here is on the agenda for the rest of the afternoon:
Go eat a normal meal for lunch, although Peach cobbler is sounding very good right now...
GO to JoAnn Fabrics and buy materials to make 3 valances for my dining nook and kitchen windows.
Hopefully by the time I roll back from there I can go pick up my DARLING kiddos from SCHOOL!
Then we will have a pool party at my pool with friends to celebrate accomplishing the first day!
After that I may have to go to work. :(

Then I get to start again tomorrow! Oh but tomorrow I will have sewing to look forward to! I LOVE sewing! It should help keep me calm.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Breaking Dawn Party....

As you all know I was very thrilled for the release of Breaking Dawn. I was lucky enough to be able to go to the midnight party at Borders with my long time good friend Ace! Our friend Jamie also came, who I haven't seen since high school graduation! It was so good to see both of them! We did feel a little strange around the throng of little squealing teenage girls. We ended up hiding in the corner of the children's books section and just chatting.

Ace and I after she helped me answer a trivia question. We both won a rose and stickers. Jamie was satisfied with us sharing a sticker with her.

Me, Jamie, and Ace!

Ace and I, here you can see the cute shirt I got! (We go together like Chocolate and Vanilla!) Ace, have I told you lately that I love you? p.s. notice there are boys behind me. I think they were there to get some girls! Although there were some there that did want the book!

Here is a picture of the madness after midnight struck and the lines started forming.

Last, but certainly not least- My gorgeous SIL, she came to support me and get her book also. She kept on saying "I can't believe I came here!" She felt silly, and I documented that she came, so she can remember how she felt that night!

Overall the night was totally worth it. I am so glad I went, even though I felt silly at times. I had so much fun chatting with my girls and then getting my book. Oh and I have to also document that right when the books went on sale we noticed something was happening up front. After watching for a sec we realized that a girl was getting proposed to! The guy seemed to be dressed like Edward, and he got down on one knee, she said yes and then they made out in front of everyone. I was not so thrilled about this blessed event as it pretty much halted the book buying, therefore making me wait even longer! Oh well, I hope that couple will be very happy together!

The End

Friday, August 15, 2008


I read yesterday about the new Harry Potter movie release being postponed until next summer instead of this Thanksgiving. I had NO idea that it would affect the release of Twilight! Check out this LINK for the official word.

We will have something GREAT to be THANKFUL for this thanksgiving, well at least I will!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

For Your Information...

I just got back from an extra long vacation and I am having a hard time getting back to the land of the living. I have a ton of things to catch up on. School starts in less than 2 weeks! I'm trying to get me a job, well one that will give me more than 8 hours a week. I need to get my back yard landscaped ASAP! I need to get back into gear at the gym. I have my church calling to do stuff for. AHHHH!! I'm going just a little insane, but that's ok. Oh and I also have a lot of sleeping to catch up on, and that's not happening as much as I want it to!

So please bear with me as I try to get my mind and body into gear! I will have my review on Breaking Dawn and more of my thoughts on other things hopefully soon!