Monday, June 2, 2008

Um...I'm not sure about this!

I got a gym membership on Saturday! I can't believe I just committed to a 2 year membership at a GYM! That means I have to actually workout for TWO YEARS! Holy CRAP! What did I get myself into! To make things worse, Joy is dragging me out into the depths of the early morning to -you guessed it- GO to the GYM! I am NOT and early riser! Ok folks mark this as the day I said I am going to workout at 6:30 in the morning. Please remind me of this hard day when I am such a good little person who belongs to a gym and goes like it's my religion. Please remind me of this when you see me and think "Oh boy, I may need to go work out now that Destiny is doing so well at it!"

Please pray for me that I can get out of bed at 6:30 tomorrow! I don't want to disappoint Joy! Please add in that I won't fall over dead after my workout, I am SO out of shape!


Gallant Family said...

You are a trooper. I don't think I could do it!!! I haven't really donea good workout since high school. Pete is trying to convince me to share in a gym membership. How funny, huh? Well, I hope you are not dead when you read this and that at least your fingers work :)

Larsen said...

I agree with Dana. Good Luck!

I couldn't do it either. I am to weak for such as task!

Love ya!

Anonymous said... didn't tell me that you got a left that part out when you told me you got up at 6:30 in the morning to workout. That should be good for you!! GOOD LUCK! lela