Thursday, May 3, 2012


Yesterday I bought my girls deodorant.  Although I have accepted the fact that they are growing up (too fast), this was weird for me. For some reason this was even weirder than getting my older daughter a training bra. I care about their hygiene, especially their body odor, as I have an uber sensitive sense of smell. 

 I hadn't noticed anything yet, but apparently their school teachers have, I would notice too if there were 20+ kids in a room and the temp is 90+ degrees outside.  Their teachers announced to the class that everyone MUST wear deodorant. My children, being the good students that they are, informed me of their "assignment".  I was a little shocked that 3rd graders would be so smelly, but 5th graders I wasn't so shocked.  I was pretty sure that MY girls didn't smell though.  I decided to do a smell test.  I figured I have put my nose right next to their bottoms when they were babies to test the air,  their armpits should be harmless!  (Keep in mind we were actually at the store when we were doing this) I have the oldest go first, because that is her gift for begin born first, I sniff and we are in the clear.  She tells me that she isn't sweaty or smelly at that moment in time.  I go to my youngest, sniff, and WHOA NELLY that kid NEEDS deodorant! She had just been outside pretty recently, and was hot and sweaty.  I'm in a state of disbelief.  I am not a sweaty person, and when I do I smell like roses.  In fact I RARELY wear deodorant.  Shocking, I know, but this is the truth.  It takes a little bit for the realization to settle in, but I tell my girls to pick a scent they like, they have fun with it.  When we get home I teach them how to apply the stuff, they are both incredibly ticklish, so that was fun.  Now my girls will not have smelly armpits, they won't be adding to the bad smell in their classrooms.  They will be smelly good, hopefully, from now on.

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