Thursday, April 16, 2009


I remember when I was 18 and just married. I was the cute little wife that made a lunch for her hubby and kissed him off to work. I cleaned my little apartment and read books. I don't really remember what else I did. Then 2 months went by and I was feeling sort of sick. After peeing on a stick the night of hub's brother's open house, our future was inevitable. We were going to be parents not even a year after being married! We were so shocked, we both sat on our hand-me-down couch in our teeny apartment and stared at the wall. After that I was the cute growing 19 yr old pregnant wife. I would sometimes make a lunch and kiss my hubby off to work. I spent many precious moments hanging out in the bathroom vomiting. I think I watched Regis and Kelly so much that I thought I was truly friends with them! Then I started working at an elementary school as a teacher's aide while my belly grew and grew. After my darling daughter decided to be just about 2 weeks overdue, I had a little baby. My life changed in ways I never knew it could. That little girl is now 8 years old and she has a little sister 28 months younger than her. Those two children are my best friends, besides the hubs. I could not imagine my life without those girls! They are what make my life complete. After raising them to be old enough to go to school they are now on their own for 6 hours of the day. That terrifies me! My babies are away from me for most of the day.

Now I am the cute, hopefully shrinking belly, wife. I make lunches for my kids, and kiss them off to school. I ask hubs what he is doing for lunch, make sure he eats something. Then I kiss him off to work on the days he doesn't leave before I wake up. I stay home and I exercise, read, cook, clean, do mountains of laundry, watch a little too many GG that I really truly think I am friends with them.

My life is good.


*The Holbrook Family* said...

Doesn't it feel good to not have to worry about going to work everyday? I LOVE it!!!! We need another girls night out!!! Maybe we need to go get pedicures!!

Mike and Jenny said...

So glad you get to do this!!!

Emily said...

Good for you. I'm glad you're enjoying not working. That's what I want to do to- but can't get up the courage to actually quit my job :)