Sunday, September 21, 2008


Do you feel accomplished? What does that even mean? Well this week, my friends, I feel ACCOMPLISHED! Do you want to know why? Well I hope so, if you don't you better stop reading right now! This post is dedicated to myself and my accomplishments that have left me feeling accomplished.

I shall list for you the series of events that have made this possible:

#1. Book Club was at my house this week. Now on a normal month and normal book this would be a normal occurrence. THIS month was NOT a normal month, and NOT a normal book. We took off August, and so it has been a couple months since we have had BC, and the book was my beLOVEd Breaking Dawn! This was NO ordinary BC! (BTW after reading the book for a 3rd time I can now say I LOVE it! I didn't the first 2 times, I liked it, but now it has reached pure greatness, consult me if you need more info on that.) You can ask Ace, I have been preparing for this for a LONG time! I did vampire themed refreshments, and my house was beautiful (downstairs at least!) and I also made a trivia to cover all 4 books! That last part alone took me at least 2 hours of work! Also I had to make up my own for BD, as the only questions I found online were for the first 3 books only. After everyone left that night and I cleaned up everything, I was left with the A* feeling.

#2. Window treatments- check! I have been meaning to get my windows "treated" in my dining nook and kitchen for a long time now. I even picked out the fabric, a feat itself, at least 3 months ago. My goal was to have them done by BC so they could be admired by people, not that many people come to my house (I only wish I was popular). My BFF D helped me out with the idea and she hung up my hardware, oh and she did one of the ties, other than that it was ALL ME! The reason I feel A* for this is because I am one of those sewers that learned by being told every move to make. Following a pattern is even confusing! Even though these were pretty straightforward I was on my own figuring out how to do them. I won't go on, you can see them for yourself!
Dining Nook

Close up.

Here's my rug that's in there just so you can see that the fabrics fit in with it! It played a major role in the fabric and color decision making.

Kitchen window.

Now all I need it to actually hang pictures and stuff on my walls! It's only been a year since we moved into this brand new house! I just have a real hard time putting holes in my unholy walls!

#3. This last reason I didn't physically do, but it still leaves me feeling A*. Even though I didn't physically do it, I have worked on it mentally and I have spent a lot of time with on prepetory work on it. The "it" I am talking about is my back yard! Now it's not completely done yet, so I have a picture to tease you with, but I will do a real one when it's done.

I played around with my picture program and this is the picture negative. I thought it was fun.

There you have it folks. The 3 things that make me feel accomplished this week! What makes you feel accomplished?

(*Accomplished- as if you didn't figure that out yourself!)


Emily said...

Well, you are very justified in feeling accomplished because book club was super fun and your window treatments are awesome! So cute, I have never seen any like that before. I can't wait for your backyard to be done. You guys will spend the whole day out there!

Gallant Family said...

I always look at the great stuff you are doing and just stare in awe. At least I'm not the only one who buys stuff for projects and does nothing with them for months. Yeah, I have some fabric I bought probably 4 or 5 months ago. Hmm, I guess I should get on that. I totally understand not wanting to put holes in the walls. I've been in my house for over two years and it still kills me.

I am glad things went well for your BC. Gina is looking for a new book to read. Send her some suggestions.

It took me a while to figure out that negative picture. I forget that you guys can work on the yard all year round. Everyone around here is probably thinking about winterizing the yard and covering the gardens. Yeah, welcome to Idaho!

Accomplished, what a great post! :0)

Anonymous said...

ok i finally get time to do this without holding the nyah bean. and having the busy bean around...hahaa. You are verry talented with those *valances* wutever you call them. nice negative hurry up and get the other pic up cuz im sure Your *mexicans* finished by now, or you said it was almost done?! alright im donne...back to sleep...haahaha.

Sara said...

I feel accomplished after just getting dressed (I guess my threshold is lower than yours!) Book club was fantastic btw! Delicious treats and your house looked gorgeous! LOVE YOU!!!!