Saturday, July 12, 2008


I have some things I want to say:


#2 I am doing SO WELL at working out! I went to the gym 4 days this week!

#3 Why do people not comment on my posts? I see that I get a lot of views but only very few comments! (Thank you to those that DO comment!) You don't HAVE to comment, but it would be nice if you did every once in awhile. Seriously, I had 19 views just yesterday and NO comments from any of those 19! Even if you comment to tell me that my post is not worthy of being commented on, that would be nice! At least I know that I am lame, well I guess I sort of already know that!

#4 I HATE Mario Cart for the Wii! The hubs has played it WAY too much and I am about to throw the disk away! (For real!)

#5 I've been working a lot this week, a lot is 15 hours worked after Sunday night. It's nice to make money and feel like you are contributing to the family.

#6 My mother-in-law, grandma-in-law, and 2 BFF's made my birthday GREAT! Well in the present department which was DEFINITELY lacking! I will be making a nice SHADE purchase sometime today!

#7 Hey, Ace, if you get bored you can make me a new blog background! No worries though, I still like this one.:)


Emily said...

I'm glad you still had a good birthday, and you have to show me your new shade purchases so I can be envious of them.

I hate Mario Cart on the Wii too...but that's just because I suck at it.

Don't go nuts about the Breaking Dawn quotes!

Gallant Family said...

OME!!! I love that you used that in your last quote, and I think I'll use it too. I can't believe it is almost here. I have a slight dilema. If I stay here in IF for the midnight release, I could go with a bunch of friends. However, I will probably be going down to BC to visit the family, but I haven't convinced any of my sisters to go with me, so I may be going by myself to the release at Barnes & Noble. Pete is doing the Park City 108 mile bike ride on the 2nd and I always love a good excuse to visit the fam. Well, we'll see what happens.

Whenever Pete gets obsessed about something, I threaten to take it away. Mario could randomly disappear for a while ;-]

Sorry I kinda took a lot of space.

Anonymous said...

you are a weird one...mario kart is the best game ever maybe if you played it wit your hubby then you would fall in love with it also. and i am soo proud of you for working out soo much and not being soo lazy like my hubby right here...haha.he rather drink beer and get drunk than go and work out..haha.see you monday!

smilnsigh said...

I hear you on the comments issue!! Oh yeahhhh... -grin-

Sometimes, that site counter is the only thing that keeps me sane. At least, it shows that people do stop by. Soooooo, that has to be gooooood, huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? ,-)

Yes, it would be great if more readers would comment. But I think it's the same {nearly} all over Blog Land. I know. Some blogs get zillions of comments every day! Yikes! But... I figure a lot more, _don't_ get zillions of comments every day. Like me. ,-)

And now, since I told Gina I should hang up my keyboard for the night, and I didn't... I came here too... Now I will go off line. I will. I will. I will. ,-)

'When Twilight Embraces'
{Tooooo tired to make a click-able link}

smilnsigh said...

Gym 4 days this week!!! WooT!!!! You are great!!!

NOW I will go off line!

'When Twilight Embraces'

Larsen said...

1st- haven't been around enough for you lately. sorry.

2- how do you know how many people have 'viewed' your site? I want to know.

3- YEAH!!! Here comes BD! It's so close if I were edward I could smell it.

4- sorry about the Wii. hide it. dont' toss it!



Sara said...

Birthday smirthday, the only thing that could've really MADE your birthday is if Edward came to life and gave you a birthday smooch! And then hand delivered Breaking Dawn to you. hahahahahaha! And I can't tell you how many times I've almost smashed the XBOX (fo real, I had hammer in hand) so I'll support your Wii intervention if you need it. LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU

smilnsigh said...

Just a possible suggestion... It's hard to read your not-so-dark-gray print, on your very-gray background here.... At least on my screen...

Miss Mari-Nanci
When Twilight Embraces

smilnsigh said...

There is a new 'Twilight' teaser out. I have link, on my 'Twilight' blog. :-))))

Miss Mari-Nanci
When Twilight Embraces